Fun facts about Ibiza you had no clue about

Fun facts about Ibiza you had no clue about

Interesting & fun facts about The White Island

To all of you who have never been to Ibiza it might seem like the island is all about nightlife and parties, but there is more to it than meets the eye. The magnificent scenery reveals interesting facts that make Ibiza be even more of a tourist attraction ! Take a look at these Ibiza fun facts:

World Heritage site

Between the parties and the luxury accommodation, Ibiza has been declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO, for its Biodiversity and Culture. It’s landmarks are considered ancient relics of a wonderful world that preceded ours and left its mark on this beautiful land.

The island with no rivers

Ibiza has no fresh running water supply on its surface. All the water is being welded from underground.

A celebration of Wine

Not many people know this, but Ibiza is a fine wine producer and the connoisseurs appreciate the excellent bouquet of the red and white wine made here. The locals have also instituted an event that celebrates Bacchus, the god of wine, in order to promote the wonderful indigenous wines. Festa del Vi Payés is a great way to get to know a few of the local traditions while tasting good wine and hearty food dishes.

Orange painted earth

Perhaps one of the most distinctive features you can’t help but notice in Ibiza is the orange tinted soil. The colour of the ground is coming from the tannins of the pine leaves that fall all around the island, impregnating it with this unusual pigment.

Home of Magneto

The Es Vedra rocks east of the  island are said to be the third most magnetic place on Earth, the mixture and concentration of minerals within them being able to interfere with any magnetic equipment.

There are many more unusual and interesting facts about Ibiza, but we will let you find them out by yourselves. So come on over, the island that never sleeps can’t wait to show you its wonders !
