Dalt Vila Throughout History
If you plan on visiting Ibiza you should know that there is more to it than the glamorous nightlife and luxury villas and restaurants. The island hides a cultural and historical treasure within it’s boundaries, a treasure that you simply must discover during your holiday – the town of Dalt Vila. If you are eager to learn more about Ibiza, its traditions and way of life, then you simply must take a tour of the old town.
Dalt Villa is known as the old center of the Island of Ibiza and it developed when the first Phoenician settlement appeared in Puig de Vila, in 654. b.c. During the punic era, it was known as a great commercial center that exported many handcrafted artisanal goods throughout the Mediterranean Sea points of access. In the 10th century, the town was invaded by Arabs and suffered great damage; that was until the Catalans conquered the island and converted its population to Christianity, setting in place a feudal system. In the medieval era, the city knew a great ascension, as it flourished with the appearance of cultural, religious and political buildings. The 15th century was a time when Dalt Vila prospered, given the massive urbanization. That left behind many of the cultural elements of that era, which are “set in stone” and can be seen today within the walls and structures of many of the buildings. But the prosperity wouldn’t last long, as the Turk attacks in the 16th century devastated the town. That made the locals see the flaws in their walls and rebuilt them to be stronger and sturdier.
The town of Dalt Villa recovered quickly and it became and important historical site. Kept within its walls, there’s a great deal of cultural, traditional and architectural marks through centuries of change and development. You are in for a real treat when visiting the old town, and you might as well do it on foot so you can enjoy every bit of it!
Tags:history, sightseeing, dalt vila