The Best Time to Visit Ibiza in 2018
While the island is always a pleasure to explore, the best time to visit Ibiza in 2018 might depend on your travel schedule and preferences. Summer is yet to come, but there are still plenty of things to do in Ibiza in spring, too. The bars, coffee-shops, and restaurants start opening come April and May is packed with all sorts of activities and cultural experiences you might enjoy.
Visit Ibiza in Spring
If you choose to come to the island starting April, you are in for a treat, especially if you are a nature lover. Many tourists visit Ibiza in spring to participate in numerous trekking and mountain biking events; if you’re a water enthusiast, diving, fishing and boat excursions are in high demand now. Do you like a good adrenaline rush? Then you can try the Slingshot, the Air Zone or even parasailing and Surf Lounge. If you’re into dressing up, you can take part in the Medieval Festival, which is truly something else.
Visit Ibiza in Summer
Summer in Ibiza comes with the long-awaited music raves, but also with lots of different ways to have fun. Ibiza Spray, Secret Cave Rave and the zoo parties are only a few of the events you can participate in on the island, not to mention all the opening parties. Each and every one is unique and seeks to bring forth a different approach to music. We are not short of festivals and cultural representations in summer either; Saint Joan’s holiday and the traditional dances of the Ball Pages are two awesome events you simply must attend.
Visit Ibiza in Autumn
Autumn is not to be left out either when it comes to some good old Ibiza fun. Most of the already mentioned activities are good to go until late October, and if the weather permits it, you can squeeze in some days at the beach too. One of the most prestigious events happening in autumn in Ibiza is the DJ Awards. You absolutely cannot miss it if on the island in September, and why not stay for the multitude of closing parties afterward?
No matter the season, let’s not forget one of Ibiza’s best features—food. Typical Mediterranean food can be found all over the island starting spring; you can enjoy a delicious Paella or an excellent traditional grilled fish or hearty stew. Squid is also something people enjoy in Ibiza, and you should try it too. Last, but not least, sweet, juicy figs are a representative fruit on the island. You can enjoy them fresh between July and August, and dry any time of the year.
There is an abundance of things to do in Ibiza, all you have to do is book a ticket and a room with a view; the island will take care of the rest. Festivals and gatherings like Ibiza Energy Week, Captured Festival,
Tags:travel, visit ibiza, travel schedule, travel seasons, ibiza music, Ibiza activities, ibiza events